Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People

Training Resources

Find all your required training here!


Food Bank partner agencies offering food/grocery distribution must be trained in Food Handling.

Lead volunteers or lead pantry staff must be trained.  Training is valid for two years.

Food Handling for Food Banking is now available as a video and the quiz is online as well.  (Click on the links below or copy and paste into your web browser) 

Video:  (1 hour and 8 minutes long)  

Quiz:  (should take 10 minutes or less) 

A companion textbook is available to you as reference. If you would like to receive one by mail or with your next Food Bank order, please contact the Food Bank. 

Food Handling for Food Banking ya está disponible en español en formato pdf: Guía del manipulador de alimentos para el banco de alimentos

Utilice el traductor de su navegador web para ver el cuestionario sobre seguridad alimentaria en español: (debería tomar 10 minutos o menos)


Food Bank partner agencies with on-site food preparation and/or meal service must have a ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification.

One kitchen manager must be trained.  Certification is valid for five years.  

Learn more:


Civil Rights Training 

Civil Rights training must be completed annually by all staff and volunteers involved in food distribution. Civil Rights training must be renewed every June.

Several formats for the training are available - choose the one that works best for you:


Two types of training documentation are required :

1. Program or organizational leadership (at least one) must fill out and return the Civil Rights Self Certification after completing the training. (Autocertificación de capacitación en derechos civiles para líderes de agencias)

2. All other staff and volunteers should be listed on the Annual Civil Rights Training Sign-In Log after completing the training. (PDF or DOC)  (Registro de inicio de sesión de capacitación anual sobre derechos civiles para voluntarios)

 Submit training documentation to:


 Once you have completed this training, please also be sure these required items are available on-site at your location:

 Be sure you have the current version of this poster and it is the full size (11 x17) and printed in color, per USDA requirements.  We'd be happy to provide you with a new, laminated copy if needed.


Current Year's TEFAP Self-Declaration of Need Forms are required:  English and Spanish in two-page (double-sided) formats. If you are looking for another language, check PA Department of Agriculture's webpage (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and check the right side-bar).


Reporting Forms

Monthly Partner Data Report

Monthly Poundage Data Report

Client Services Log (with signature)

CEO - People Helping People