Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People

Become a Partner Agency

The Weinberg Regional Food Bank works with partners to help alleviate hunger in Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties.

If you are interested in becoming a partner agency, please contact  Mary Ellen Spellman, Food Bank Director at or 570-908-2222 x302 or fill out this new partner inquiry form.



1. Please complete ALL appropriate sections of the Member Application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

2. The Agency Agreement must be signed by the Agency Director/Administrator (highest ranking agency representative).

3. A copy of your Federal IRS/US Department of Treasury LETTER OF DETERMINATION (which states your 501(c)3 tax exempt status) must be submitted with your application. The name and address must match that of the applicant agency. If not, see #4. Your agency’s EIN number must also be provided. The PA State Tax Exemption form is not acceptable for membership as our regulations are mandated by Federal Tax Law.

4. Affiliate organizations, churches and sponsored programs must include a letter from the parent organization, headquarters or sponsoring agency that holds the 501(c)3 which attests that the applicant is covered under their 501(c)3 and they assume all responsibility for the applicant.

5. Please return the application and attachments to the Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank. They can be sent via email to: or via US Mail to: CEO Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank, 185 Research Drive, Jenkins Twp, PA 18640.

6. Once the application is complete, a site visit by a Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank staff to your agency will be arranged. No membership can be finalized until a site visit is complete.

7. After the visit, if membership is granted, the agency director (as well as staff who will be responsible for ordering and picking up) must attend an orientation session at the Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank. This session is required before an agency may begin receiving product. Food safety training is also required and provided by the food bank.

Please note: Completion of this application does NOT guarantee membership. We reserve the right to refuse membership to programs not meeting our criteria. 


Application Checklist

  • Completed Application
  • Signed Agreement 
  • Current 501c3 non-profit documentation
  • Program brochures that provide information about your organization
  • Current Food Safety Certificate (i.e. ServSafe), if available
  • Visit Food Bank Training Resources for additional required trainings

CEO - People Helping People