Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People

Goals and Policy Leadership

Mission Statement

The mission of CEO is to promote self-sufficiency among low-income and vulnerable populations by confronting the causes and reducing the effects of poverty.

CEO’s multiple services are based on the following goals:

·         Respond to basic, material needs of children, adults and seniors in poverty.

·         Increase economic self-sufficiency among low-income individuals and families.

·         Promote renewable energy and environmentally sustainable innovations to reduce the effects of poverty

·         Promote the positive development of low-income children, youth, and their families.

·         Promote the health and independence of the elderly and disabled through supportive, in-home services.

·         Provide leadership in policy issues affecting low-income children, adults, and seniors.

Policy Leadership

Comprehensive Responses to Homelessness - CEO has been recognized by the Commonwealth for its outstanding contribution and leadership in Luzerne County's Continuum of Care Planning for homeless individuals and families.

Advocacy for Environmentally Sustainable Innovations - CEO and its executive director serve in prominent, national leadership roles in the development of environmentally sound technologies that hold great promise in the new millennium for reducing the effects of poverty for society's neediest individuals, families and communities.

Utility Rate Increases & Restructuring in Pennsylvania – As the gas and electric utility industries have undergone historic changes from monopoly services to a competitive environment,    CEO has taken a leadership role in protecting the interests of low income and elderly rate payers.



Resolution 2017-66 

CEO - People Helping People