Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People

Give a gift in honor or in memory of someone special.

Give a gift that makes a difference this holiday!


An honoree gift is an appropriate way to remember a special person while at the same time helping others. 

After you have made your contribution in memory or in honor of someone special, an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the person(s) you designate and a tax receipt will be sent to you. We do not specify the amount of the donation unless you request it, and you may customize your message to the recipient.

Honoree donations to CEO are fully tax-deductible as provided by law. 

There are two steps in the process.  First, please complete this form and then click the "Continue" button to continue to a page where you will make the donation using Paypal or a credit card.

If you prefer to proceed by mail, please print and complete this form and mail with a check made payable to "Commission on Economic Opportunity" to CEO, 165 Amber Lane, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702.

Thank you for your contribution!

*Your First Name:
*Your Last Name:
*Your Email address:
*Honoree Name (tell us who this gift is in honor or memory of):
Click below if you would like to make this gift in honor of the honoree named above:
In Honor of
Click below if you would like to make this gift in memory of the honoree named above:
In Memory of
Please send a notification letter to: (name):
Email for gift notification:
Street address:
Zip Code:
Click below if you wish to remain anonymous:
I wish to remain anonymous.
Other Notes (tell us about the special occasion or individual you are giving in honor of, so that we can personalize a letter notifying them/the family of your gift.):

* - denotes required field

CEO - People Helping People