The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), also known as the Senior Food Boxes, works to improve the health of low-income elderly individuals of at least 60 years of age by providing nutritious USDA commodity foods to supplement their diets with nutrients that may otherwise be missing. The food is distributed monthly to individuals at senior housing sites, senior centers, and neighborhood centers throughout Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming, and Susquehanna Counties. The food boxes include dry breakfast cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, rice or pasta, shelf stable milk, cheese, fruit and vegetable juices, canned meats, and non-meat proteins (like peanut butter).
The Food Bank serves 2,100 seniors in 96 locations across the four-county service area.
For more information on the CSFP program, please contact:
Senior Food Box Program
Phone: 570-908-2222 ext. 504 or 506