Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People

Monsignor Andrew J. McGowan Memorial Scholarship

Because educating our youth is instrumental toward improving the overall quality of our community, CEO sponsors the Monsignor Andrew J. McGowan Memorial Scholarship on an annual basis. The scholarships are funded by the Northeastern Resources Development Corporation (NRDC) and named in honor of Monsignor Andrew J. McGowan, a former Board member and President of CEO and NRDC. There have been over 200 McGowan Scholars since the scholarship's inception in 1984.

The scholarships are specifically intended for economically disadvantaged residents of Luzerne and Wyoming Counties. In addition to low income, special factors such as a single-parent family, medical disability or handicap, etc. are considered. Local high schools each nominate one student every year; nominated students then go through an application and interview process. Scholarships are awarded to students who have overcome unique circumstances or challenges in their lives while still accomplishing great academic and extracurricular achievements.

The McGowan Foundation Scholarship

The McGowan Foundation provides funds to former Remington Scholars, who want to continue on through graduate school.

This scholarship was created by William McGowan, a native of Ashley, who as a graduate student could not afford a second year at Harvard Business School to earn his MBA degree.  After receiving Harvard's Baker Scholarship, he was able to complete his MBA and launch a successful business career as founder and chairman of MCI Communications.

Mr. McGowan never forgot about the generosity that got him where he wanted to go, so he created enduring funds that would allow other students to improve their lives.  His sense of social responsibility was astounding.  He gave back to the communities and remained attached and aware of his roots, allowing him to understand the predicaments of financially burdened youths and rewarding them for their outstanding achievements and passions.

CEO - People Helping People