Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People

Mary Ellen Spellman is the CEO/Weinberg Food Bank Children's Produce Market Coordinator.  Mary Ellen works with 29 partners locations each month to offer fresh foods to over 4,000 families in schools, childcare centers and youth programs. Mary Ellen shares this story:

Meet Sue

Last week, I received a call from a mom named Sue. She had missed the Children's Produce Market that week at her son's school and was wondering if there was any other resource I could share with her. When she started explaining why she was not able to make it my heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. Sue has attended the distributions ever since we started them in June.  She said that her family really depends on the items received and looks forward to attending them. They were not able to attend the one in November at the school because her son is experiencing many medical problems and they have been taking him to Geisinger Hospital in Danville weekly. Sue said between taking the time off of work and the cost of gasoline, it has really put a financial hardship on the family. She also explained that she and her husband are both working and their total income is slightly above the income guidelines for every other assistance program, so they are not able to receive any other services. The Children's Produce Market at her son's school does not limit participation based on income and has been helping them save money on their weekly food bill.  In the end, I was able to redirect the family to a distribution in another town so they did not have to go without this month.
"At every Market families are thanking me for the program and they are so grateful that we now offer milk and eggs in addition to the fresh fruits and vegetables."
CEO - People Helping People