Are you facing termination of your utility service? Are you concerned you will be unable to heat your home this winter? The Commission on Economic Opportunity, working in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, PA Department of Community & Economic Development, United Way, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, PPL Electric Utilities, UGI Utilities, UGI Penn Natural Gas, UGI Central Penn Gas and many caring community partners, may be able to provide utility customers with access to hardship programs.
UGI’s Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
Offers qualified, income-eligible customers a more manageable monthly energy bill. UGI provides CAP participants with a personalized, monthly payment amount based on gross income, household size and energy usage at the property.
UGI Operation Share
Provides energy assistance grants to qualified customers who experience difficulty paying their home utility bills.
PPL’s OnTrack Program
A special payment program for PPL customers with limited incomes who are struggling to pay the full cost of their electric service. The program offers a special reduced monthly payment based on family size and income as well as their electric usage. OnTrack also gives customers a chance to erase any debt owed to PPL.
PPL Operation Help
Provides emergency financial aid to help pay PPL utility bills for families with financial hardships.
Dollar Energy
A hardship program that provides utility assistance to customers of Pennsylvania American Water Company.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Crisis
The LIHEAP Crisis program is designed to provide emergency services to eligible persons who face a home heating-related emergency. These emergencies may include low or no home heating oil, utility termination and/or breakdown of the home heating system.
For additional information and to apply for assistance, please contact:
Wilkes-Barre office:
(570) 826-0510
Hazleton office:
Tunkhannock office: