Commission on Economic Opportunity 

People Helping People


Weatherization is designed to reduce energy consumption in low-income households by installing conservation measures such as insulation, air sealing, weather stripping, and heating plant modifications, and through educating clients about energy consumption.  The program also provides measures to make homes healthier and safer.

Weatherization is a permanent solution to high energy prices. Energy conservation no longer means turning down the thermostat and putting on a sweater, it now means making the energy we use more efficient.

 Program Mission The Weatherization Assistance Program aims to reduce the energy costs of low income families - primarily the elderly and families with children - by making energy efficient improvements to the home. Funding for the program comes from the Federal Government through the Department of Energy, Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant. Throughout PA the Weatherization Program is administered by the PA Department of Community & Economic Development.

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CEO - People Helping People